Bruce's Team - Milwaukee Magazine - How Our Story Began, and How We Can Help!

Bruce's Team - Milwaukee Magazine - How Our Story Began, and How We  Can Help!

I began my journey helping seniors and their families about 35 years ago. It started when I gave my first talk at a senior community to a group of seniors and their families. My talk encompassed the emotional aspects of making a move from their long-time as touching on the overwhelming emotions experienced prior to making their decision to stay or move from their homes. The audience was so very thankful for the information I provided, and let me know that I gave them the strength and courage to make their move which they wished to make.

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Why is Housing Inventory at Record Lows in 2023?

Why is Housing Inventory at Record Lows in 2023?

There could be several reasons why homeowners have decided to stay put for the last 4 years.

The pandemic has certainly played a role in those deciding to wait for that perfect time to move. Are you one of those would-be sellers? If you are, here are some reasons based on my interviews with potential sellers:

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The Holidays and Real Estate…Friend or Foe?

The Holidays and Real Estate…Friend or Foe?

The holidays are here and what is going through your mind right now? Are you anxious? Do you have unfounded fears that seep through your usually logical mind? Will family get along this year? Do you think you have changed in a way that makes you wonder how you will react when family gathers this year? Are you playing an old tape in your mind that is not who you are today? Does your current living situation reflect who you are both physically and mentally? What does the coming year mean to you? Is your current lifestyle a reflection of who you truly are today? Do you have a spouse or partner that has had health changes and assessing the future in both housing and needs?

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Do Rising Interest Rates Impact Home Sales?

Do Rising Interest Rates Impact Home Sales?

I will begin this article by answering the title of this article…YES…MAYBE.

Many of us purchased our first home in the early 80’s. How can we forget the effect of rising interest rates as we secured our very first mortgage. Just to jog your memory of that very uncertain period, here is a rate sheet from the old First Wisconsin Bank:

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Have We Reached the Peak? What Goes Up Must….

Have We Reached the Peak? What Goes Up Must….

Anyone owning a home today is thrilled to see the incredible appreciation over the last 5 years. Just this year we have seen a 19% increase in home values! That can put a smile on your face but as we all know too well, what goes up must come down. That old saying holds true in every sector of our economy, including housing. Not too long ago, interest rates were at all-time lows at 2.8% for a 30-year fixed rate. We are now approaching 6% for that same 30-year mortgage. Imagine you are trying to buy your first home and not only rates have gone up, but home prices have skyrocketed. There is a breaking point where young buyers will back away from submitting an offer and wait for homes to become more affordable for their budget.

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How Healthy Are You…Really?

How Healthy Are You…Really?

Look, we all feel about 20-30 years younger mentally, but our true age is known by all body parts! You know what I mean. We make that turn, that move that we have done for most of our lives and ouch! Where did that come from. Next thing we know it’s rehab. My point is that when thinking about where we live, our homes should match who we TRULY are TODAY.

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Inflation and the Real Estate Market…What to Expect!

Inflation and the Real Estate Market…What to Expect!

With our 24/7 news cycle, we are inundated with stories that just keep repeating causing nightmares and constant worry. How many times have you heard the word “inflation” in the last 6 months? Inflation is a loaded word with many implications. This article is focusing on the relationship between inflation and the home you own.

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Time to Reflect

Time to Reflect

Holidays can bring cheer, generosity, and fellowship, but it can also stir up emotions that have lingered beneath the surface. My articles are bent toward real estate and how we can make better decisions when the situation calls for action. The same is true for what feelings lie beneath the surface as we begin to ponder our lives and well-being.

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I Want to Move…What Choices Do I Have?

I Want to Move…What Choices Do I Have?

Well, now you have reached that age…you know, that number that says it can’t be you, must be your parents! It is you and now you have some very important decisions to make. Like all of us, with longevity comes issues which are financial, physical changes and financial challenges. We all want our money to last. None of us want to rely on others for our well-being. Staying independent for as long as possible is the goal.

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Moving Checklist For A New City: Packing And Moving For Senior Citizens - Written By Shannon Quantock

Moving Checklist For A New City: Packing And Moving For Senior Citizens - Written By Shannon Quantock

In life, you’ll face a variety of challenges depending on your age, location, background, and an effectively endless list of other variables. Few things remain constant as you grow older, however, and one of these things is moving house – from buying your first home to moving into your place of retirement, it’s a situation you’ll likely have at one point in your life.

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New Real Estate Market Requires New Strategies

New Real Estate Market Requires New Strategies

Yes, the real estate market has finally peaked. Since 2016, we have seen 30% increases in property values on average in most areas. That is truly unprecedented in such a relatively short period of time. Record low interest rates (still hovering around 3% for a 30-year fixed rate mortgage) as well as a mountain sized group of millennial purchasers have contributed to this real estate owner’s bonanza. Warning: all that goes up…you know the rest. Thankfully we have stability right now in our financial markets. However, buyers are beginning to move to the side lines for two main reasons: first they grew tired of competing with other rabid purchasers and losing out on a home purchase, and second the price points have increased to where the current sticker price is turning young families away from submitting an offer. They want to wait for prices and inventory to trend to their benefit.

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Three Ways to Plan Ahead for Long-Term Care, Written By Shirley Martin

Three Ways to Plan Ahead for Long-Term Care, Written By Shirley Martin

Everyone hates to think about it, but there’s a chance many of us will require some sort of long-term care, whether it’s in-home from a skilled provider, in an assisted-living facility, or in a nursing home. We dislike the thought of not being able to take care of ourselves the way we want. And even though we’re living longer, many of us are one major heart attack, stroke, disease, or accident away from needing long-term care.

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